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For School Leaders

When you're overseeing teaching and learning for your school, you're tending to the very core of your school’s mission, and that’s a big job. 

From personal leadership coaching to group facilitation to program consulting to project work, we are here to help you ensure excellent outcomes for your school even if–and especially when–your resources of personnel, expertise, bandwidth, or time are allocated to other areas.

Meera is a skilled, patient facilitator who brings great energy, perspective, and wisdom to her work of helping educators grow and reflect. She is attentive without being overbearing, pointed without being judgmental, and insightful without being preachy. In our work with Meera, our team needed space and structure to reflect and grow together, and Meera was adept at helping us practice reflective conversations and processing without it feeling like we were just spinning our wheels. She provided clarity and offered perspective but most importantly helped us co-create space for the difficult work of reflecting and seeking out growth areas. We were already a fairly high-functioning team, but Meera's work with us allowed us to take stock of what was working and what wasn't and to deepen our commitments to our shared goals and ambitions. 

Jon G., MS Educator

Business Discussion

Services for School Leaders

You know where you and your team need to grow. We can provide the support to get you there.

You know what work needs to be done, but you need access to additional expertise and/or bandwidth to complete the project and have it matter. We can help you reach better outcomes on your important projects.

Some conversations require you at the helm. Other dialogues are more effective–and result in better outcomes–when a third party facilitates. A wise leader can distinguish between the two and knows when to leverage an outside consultant. That’s where we can help.

When you are the only person in your particular position, it is invaluable to have a supportive, confidential thought partner outside your school. Invest in yourself to deepen your capacity, improve your effectiveness, and find balance and wisdom as a school leader. 

Managing and shepherding change is a critical aspect of a leader’s job, and schools don’t make it easy! We can help you guide your team or community to and through important transitions.

Your instructional program is the core of your school, but in-depth curriculum review, alignment, and development take time, experience, and expertise. We can partner with you as you work to ensure your school's curricular program is aligned, strong, and evolving in sustainable ways.

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